Let's Connect Information Sessions


Welcome to Ontario - Let's Connect!

Let's Connect Information Sessions are free 1 hour workshops, one-on-one meeting, an information booth or drop-in sessions used to address various settlement topics including but not limited to Finding a Place to Live, Renewing Your Study or Work Permit and Finding Employment in Canada. These sessions are delivered to international students and their accompanying family members by experienced settlement workers who work for local agencies that provide settlement services. A settlement worker helps Canadian newcomers settle in their new home by providing information on topics such as housing, legal rights and employment opportunities. You may attend these sessions throughout the academic year at colleges and universities participating in the ISC project.

Attend a Let's Connect Information Session

At a Let's Connect Information Session, facilitators provide answers to settlement questions and access to resources from the wider community to help you get settled in your new home. Additionally, you will learn about shopping, dining and other recreational activities - all the things that make your new community a great place to live. Find Out How You Can Attend a Let's Connect Information Session.

Attend a One-on-One Information Session

In One-on-One sessions with a settlement worker may be scheduled or completed as a drop-in, you will be able to meet privately, ask questions and receive answers about your unique situation. Find Out How You Can Attend a One-on-One Session.

NEW! Are You Planning to Apply for Permanent Residency?

Attend Orientation to Ontario (O2O) Information Workshops. To register and attend O2O Workshops, click here.